As mom, I have struggled day to day. Some would probably look at my life and say I have the luxury of sitting at home and doing nothing. No, I don't. I can choose to sit and do nothing. But myself, am just not programmed that way. I am sitting her blogging and thinking about all the things that I need to accomplish. Just finished dinner prep, the dishes need to be done and loaded, theres a couple loads of laundry I need to tackle, bills need to be paid, I have schoolwork to complete and yada yada yada.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Could have went the rest of my life without reading that...
As mom, I have struggled day to day. Some would probably look at my life and say I have the luxury of sitting at home and doing nothing. No, I don't. I can choose to sit and do nothing. But myself, am just not programmed that way. I am sitting her blogging and thinking about all the things that I need to accomplish. Just finished dinner prep, the dishes need to be done and loaded, theres a couple loads of laundry I need to tackle, bills need to be paid, I have schoolwork to complete and yada yada yada.
Polar Vortex
That spent up most of the afternoon yesterday. As is standard in the Dudgeon home these days, the printer is actually broken and will not print any black ink.
Know what this means?
No coupons....
No savings...
I am so sad. I need to print a some coupons so I can make 50 cents on 3 children's advils!
But these 2 don't care for now.
How cute are they??!!
Alfredo for one
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
This Big girl Business
"Ellee, you're a big girl! Peyton is a baby."
"Peyton big girl. Ellee a baby."
This is a frequent conversation as of late. Ellee has even gone as far as rush me to Peyton's side when she's pooping and insist Peyton needs to get to the potty. Oh Ellee.
I've even trying to reiterate to Ellee that she is a big girl now and so entails big girl responsibilities; like using the potty, and staying in bed.
We tried the toddler bed deal about 6 months ago or so. It did not go well. At all. Matt woke with a start and a shout when his 2 year old daughter was looking him dead in the eye at 3 am and poking his arm saying "Matt. MATTTTT." I think we actually converted her bed back to a crib at 3 am that night.
Two afternoons ago matt and I were around the house when we both heard a scream. The girls were taking naps. We thought it was Peyton and decided to give her some time to figure out if she wanted to go back to sleep. And then it changed, to this blood curdling cry. I bolted to the rooms and it was Ellee screaming. I knew something was wrong. I walked in to a room with Ellee's body outside the crib and her head stuck inside the crib. She had managed to wiggle her body under the opening between the mattress and edge of the crib. Oh Ellee. I yelled for matt and he lifted the entire crib up to get her out. This was then followed by his words, "it's time". Oh yes it is.
There is some sort of security of keeping my wild child in a crib. So really it's about control for me. Maybe this is the first step for me in a long awaited list of things I'll need to give over to God. I can't control Ellee. I need to raise her in the fear of the Lord and to make decisions that will help her control her self.
Disciplining her has been difficult for a long time. I never am sure if we're making progress or not. But the toddler bed thing has been working. And it's finally a point where I am thinking "Hey maybe she's getting it...finally." She definitely is understanding repercussions for actions.
The first night I instructed her that she needed to stay in her bed and she needed to let me know when she was "all done". If she got out of bed she would be disciplined. And it's worked. Her bear fell out of the bed and she had a near panic attack until I came in the room picked him off the floor and handed him too her from 9 inches down.
But I'll retrieve the bear at each bedtime if it means the security of her staying in bed.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Sick read (may contain too much information)
This past week was quite possibly the most sickness I've ever seen. There was way too much you know what happening and being a mama means being in the middle of it all. Thank goodness papa was willing to try.
Let me explain try. When I met matt I didn't know if his stomach was tough or not. Not till we were married did I find out how weak it is. Actually, when we had our first baby. The weird thing is I didn't change a single diaper in the hospital. I was so ill post birth that he was the one doing all that. But new mom's know, those first diapers aren't really bad if you're nursing. It's when real food starts.
I remember coming home one day from work and matt had picked up ellee at the sitters house, she was probably 6 months. I walked in the door and he was standing there with this look on his face. All he said was I got sick. And I threw her clothes out.
If I recall, I laughed in disbelief.
Fast forward to last Wednesday when ellee emptied the contents of her post dinner stomach all over the car. Oh. My. Goodness.
The first thoughts of my mind were, "I am in this by myself". So I voiced them and like any Dudgeon it became a challenge to him. And I am so grateful for his efforts. But then he emptied the contents of his stomach. Is this TMI? (too much information) I'll add a disclaimer to the title.
However, the closest facilities for him happened to washer. Ugh. Don't worry. I ran it like 5 times and then a bleach cycle. Yuck.
So this was last Wednesday. Ellee seemed to be back to her normal self Thursday night. By Friday at noon both matt and I were feeling pretty sick. What I don't get, is how we both weren't better till basically Monday night/ Tuesday morning and she conquered it so quickly?! Oh well.
With how crummy I was feeling I'm glad it was me not her. I just wish it was staggered on matt and I so we both didn't have it the same time.
But alas, Such Is life. And we lived and are well :)
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Go figure.
Its getting cooler now so we spend most days in doors.
I try to take the girls to the library once a week for storytime, They absolutely loved it yesterday and Ellee was much more well behaved then earlier this year. I stopped going once it got warmer outside and also because ellee was so crazy it was hard to manage. Peyton was so little and ellee was so activate. I usually ended up chasing ellee around the room stopping her from drinking other kids sippys and rumaging through purses! :S
I am reminded daily of how wonderful these girls are.
Peyton is like a fruit. As the days go on she only ripens. Shes sweeter then the day before, and her hair seems to get darker too! She cuddles and hugs and relaxes.
Ellee is my sassafras. Its amazing how girl she is. She has started getting dramatic. The other day she was requesting cereal endlessly and I said just a minute, have some patience. Then she turned her face into a pout, put her head down and started stating profoundly that "she'll NEVER get any cereal" and accompanied it by a sigh and another statement of NEVER. Wow. That girl. Her character and personality is amazing. I just don't know where she comes up with this stuff!
Hubby's slimfast stock.
20 pk of finish 3.99
2 hefty bags 3.59 (buy one get on free)
coupon 1.00 off the hefty bags
coupon 2.15 off the finish
5.00 in rewards.
Paid with 9cents change :)