Thursday, April 25, 2013

Battles with Babies

My husband is stubborn.
I would say I'm pretty strong willed....
Ellee, however, is the queen of stubbornness. If she doesn't wanna do it. Good luck.

But ah, we cracked her. And boy oh boy, did it ever feel good.
She sat at the dinner table with two bites, literally two, for over 2 hours. I went to the store after dinner and came back and she was still there.
I shouldn't have been surprised because
1. I shouldn't doubt my hubs
2. I left her with the second most stubborn person I know :)
Finally, somewhere close to 2.5 hours we started the bribing process.
"Wan boobles. Yes! Yes!"
"Okay, take a bite then bubbles."
"Boobles, boobles!"
"Take a bite."
"No, no, nooooo."
And the process continued in circles.
Then Matt shoveled sweet potato in her mouth.
That's when I proceeded to clap and cheer as she almost spit it out and then said 'yay bubbles!!'
She managed to swallow before reaching for the bubbles and shouting with excitement.
We had to shove the next one in and then after that she ate the rest without any forcing, just a lot of bubbles post bites. I'll have to keep a stock pile of bubbles, but hey, at least we know she's not unbreakable!

Peyton decided today she wouldn't nap. I worked hard all morning to make the girls naps align but of course she decided to not cooperate. It was fine though. We all survived.
She did get her first taste of solids tonight. It was some oatmeal and she seemed to take it fine, we'll see how her night goes :)
She's been spitting up like crazy. The doctor prescribed some Zantac for acid reflux but it doesn't seem to be helping a tonne. We'll see if the solids help.

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