It seems the past weeks have been go go go. Oh and I wish it would slow slow slow. Its been a lot. With numerous doctors appointments and things to accomplish, along with multiple visitors and Ellee starting school (Yea, I know. But thats for another post)
At the end of July we knew we needed a head CT done for Ruby. This is the first step to complete to confirm that she has no other cranial issues just shape problems. They specifically were looking for craniosynostosis. This is early fusing of plates, but as presumed, she got the all clear. But that wasn't before an insane 3 week long process of trying to get her head CT completed.
We booked it the last week of July. I arranged to have Matt come with me, found a sitter for the girls. I had been forewarned by a friend that they sometimes sedate. Well we get there, I go in, they say they don't need to sedate. GREAT! But then the tech reads the order, talks to the radiologist, then decides they can't do the test because she definitely needs to be sedated since they need a very clear image for diagnosis. Great. So they tell us to go home and they'll call us. One day. Two day. Three day-I get a call and they just haven't got an order (basically a prescription) from her pediatrician for sedation. So you know the run around, I make a call here, a call there, and back and forth. Then finally we're good. I can book. But, not until mid August because they have to coordinate the scan with the pediatric unit and so on. Sheesh.
Day off finally comes. She has to be NPO for 6 hours prior to the scan. She did so amazing considering. I was so worried she was going to be so upset. She did surprisingly well. But she was done by the time we finally got her on the table. IV'd and all. She was screaming and flailing. Then they gave her the meds, and she calmed right down and stared at me like a unicorn straight out of fantasy world. It was bizarre to say even the least. I was quite concerned because I thought they were going to put her right out, but they did not explain the process to me very well. They basically give her the utmost smallest dose of meds, and add as needed. She responded quickly and well to the smallest dose and didn't need to be put right under. THANKFUL.
Now we are back on track for her helmet. Shell be fitted next week, and delivery will happen the first week in September.
Amidst all of this had her assessed by a physical therapist and also by early intervention. She'll be completely assessed this Thursday by another PT as well as Developmental therapist. So in the meantime I've be persuing etsy and other sites looking for something cute to add to her "melon" gear. :)
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