I can't remember where I heard this term before, the pit and peak, but I think its perfect. I am not saying the for every pit of my Thursday I'll tell you one peak, I intend to tell you 2 peaks for every pit. Like parenting, I feel each correction should be followed with double the encouragement.
And I am being realistic. I am not going to sit here and tell you that my Thursday was only full of peaks. There were endless things to be thankful for in my day, but there were some that kind of were bummer too.
Peak: The excitement on this girl's face when she gets to wear a 'pretty dress'. She loves dresses and insists on pink and purple crayons all the time. Such a girl. She loved spinning in her dress and I had to get some shots.
Peak: Meeting the Hubs for lunch today. We saved money and had a little 'leftovers picnic' filled with twice baked potatoes, yogurt, hummus, and watermelon. It was delightful. Peyton loved the freedom and was so happy to run wild!
Pit: It was hot. Yes the girls got to wear sundresses and loved it but, there was a reason I haven't been praying for summer. I really don't like it that much unless the beach is in my backyard...
Peak: Being reminded of how beautiful this child is. She is so happy and so sweet. I am so thankful for her. I can't wait for the years ahead and the time I'll get to see her grow. I dreamt she was a toddler again the other night. I drove into the driveway and little 15month old Ellee, very little haired, all big brown eyes, and baby chub standing waiting for me. It was such a vivid dream. It made me slightly sad, and then I see this. I love this little lady and what personality she has developed.
Peak: How much they like each other. They embraced the open grass and dandelions together at Matt's work. Runnning around like wild flower children I was surprised shoes didn't come off more quickly! Look how sweet they are holding hands.
Pit: I was out of swim diapers...Peyton pooped in her suit...yuck.
Send the heat my way:) we would love it