Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ellee Scarlett, 2 years and still surprising me

Ellee was a high maintenance baby and she's a high matenance toddler. Not high maintenance like the adult with low self esteem, I'm pretty sure she is going to be an extremely confident young woman, high maintenance in the fact that we have to work hard to maintain her. 
Sunday after church, the bread and wine sit in the middle of the circle. Ellee has frequently asked when its passed her if she could have some bread. I've always told her 'No its for the big people'. On this Sunday my parents were visiting and she was sitting with them. After meeting we were standing in the foyer and Ellee with bear in tow, runs up to me opens her mouth wider then Jaws and says, 'I got bread!' Meeting has been over for a little while so I realized she'd run p to the table and taken her share like everyone else had. I explained that wasn't okay and she was not to touch the bread or table. 2 minutes later I hear look at Ellee. I look up to see her in the middle of the auditorium, her bear in the middle of the table between the wine glasses, and her on her tippy toes grabbing handfuls of bread and shoving them ravenously into her mouth. Oh ellee Scarlett. Of courses, there was a lot of chuckling. I was extremely thankful it was after the worship meeting and not during. We've had several times when she's bolted from us and made her way up an aisle or somewhere else. 
Lately she's also found it enjoyable to yell at the top of her lungs when she's being removed from meeting to be disciplined. 'Stop it mommy! Stop it!' And 'No thank you mommy!' Are her favorites. 

1 comment :

  1. Oh, I just love your posts. Been there, still there... High-maintenance kids really do test the limits for sure. Everyone keeps telling me, well the next one will feel so easy comparatively...Is this true? I had to laugh about the bread though. Next time you're in Michigan, let's get Ellee and Jacob together.


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