Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Another crazy month

It's been such a crazy month. I think I said that about last month or January. But either way this one may have topped the last. We've had some weird and crazy things happening this month. Some personal stuff and some family stuff. But we are well and healthy. :)

Ellee is in usual form. Lately she's been pulling full clear sentences out. Yesterday Matt was playing with her and clearly and articulately she said "one more time!". And shes basically potty trained minus the busy days and lazy days, for example on this particular day i heard from the loft, 'holy cow! i'm pooping!!' She struggles with the 'st' and 'sp' sound which ends up coming out as 'f', like frawberry, She has always been an advanced speaker. But being our first child we really didn't realize this till we had our second. Ellee at 12 months could clearly say her name and about 10 other words. Peyton says about 5 words but probably is saying others we just don't understand them. She understands 90% of what were telling her though. Eat, she runs to the fridge. No, she smiles mischievously and reaches again for the soot in the fireplace or blu ray player. Come, she smiles and bolts in the opposite direction with her head slightly downward in a bull like run forward.  She's a stinker, definitely one to watch for.
Ellee has maintained her extreme high energy. I've had people tell me it's exhausting looking at her, let me tell you! But she's 2, time will tell if she's been blessed with more energy than the average 2 year old. She'll be 3 in the summer and I am looking forward to signing her up for an activity. Gymnastics or tumbling is what I am leaning towards, I've also thought about dance. I have a feeling dance won't be fast paced enough for her. But it will probably be more disciplined which is definitely good for her. We will see.

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