Thursday, July 3, 2014

3 years Ago

3 years ago this little baby girl was born.
Everyone told me how hard it would be. How I'd never sleep again. I'd never get to spend real quality time with my husband again. 
But no one told me, how much I'd love it. Love her! How fulfilling my life would become. How amazing a child...A BLESSING from the Lord would be in my life.
I had no idea how she'd change our world. But she has and it's been amazing.
Between her charisma spunk and sassy ness there is never a dull moment.
She loves ice cream, yogurt tubes, and blueberries.
She hates band aids and anyone who tries to be helpful. Really though, if you do something for her that she knows she can do for herself, she turns into a melted Popsicle all over the floor. She likes to be self sufficient and as independent as we will let her.
She's potty trained and pacifier free now, and happily strips down when were not looking. Camping, church, you name it. She's a free spirit, no shoes, and no clothes is her happy place. We don't condone it and try to keep her clothed as much as possible. The shoes always seem to be off however. Which is odd, because she loves shopping for clothes, shoes and all. She'll grab things off shelves and proclaim so cute, and always request to wear a 'pretty ballerina' dress.
She amazes me with her wittiness and smarts. She knows all her alphabet and shapes, colors are still in the works. She has a great vocabulary and picks up on words and context and uses them back on us correctly.
She can be so aggressive, then completely loving, she'll randomly give kisses on hands and legs, and proclaim her love for me or her papa.
This little spitfire is such a blessing. I wouldn't trade her for the world, but I'd do anything to go back to her first years and savor them a bit more. I am so thankful for these past three years and pray for more!

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