Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Time flies when you're having fun!

Its just plain crazy how fast time flies. I hate saying that, its overused, Ive said it before, and I am sure Ill say it again. I can't believe Ill be starting the journey home tomorrow with the girls.
We'll be making a 2 day pit stop to see auntie em and uncle taytay. So excited! We love all the quality family time we can get. We like to stop and drive everyone crazy, then leave (maybe give them a little birth control too. hahahahahha!)

Yes I am a busy momma. Luckily I have two hands/arms and have figured out the tricks to picking up one kid with one kid already in arms. Not to mention lots of love to go around :)

I am ready to be back home with my little family though. We really miss matt :(
Ellee is going to be so excited to see him, I know I am!
And on skype he said something about going shopping when were back. He must really miss me if hes willing to take me to the mall :)

 Apparently Ellee thinks its necessary to sit closer to the tv then it is wide...
And now a little tiny bit of the peyton montage of pictures I took today. Since Ellee wont hardly sit still for a picture Peyton gets most of the shots!

 The pavlova turned out delicious. I couldnt figure out why it tasted cinnamon-y though. Finally I did. I used this vanilla my mom bought in Dominican when she went with the family a while back. It must be made with some cinnamon or some spice in it besides just the vanilla bean. I added a little to the whipping cream and it also had that cinnamon like taste so I know that has to be it! Delicious nonetheless.
Seriously. it takes patience but if done right, its delicious! Recipe here:

I tried a couple different ones and liked it the best. My only suggestion is for the fruit on top choose a more tart or potent fruit and not a super sweet one. Thats why raspberries and kiwi are my choice.

 Ellee ate like nothing for dinner...Meghan and darren enjoyed their food. I think at least. Mom said it was good!
 The pulled pork turned out really good, except my moms crock pot is amazing at keeping ALL the moisture in. I probably needed to take the lid off a bit before and let the moisture come off a bit to thicken up the sauce.

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