Thursday, October 11, 2012

Shes walking!!!

She took her first free handed steps on Saturday. Right in front of her Nana and Poppop. And then yesterday, she took it to new levels and did it at church. And from there its escalated. AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I have honestly been waiting for this day since her first birthday. Seeing her little self walk around with little balance and even little-er coordination makes my day.
Today has been a non stop day. From doing it at story-time at the library to doing it at home. Its been awesome.

Speaking of storytime, she was terrified! You'd think the "curious little monkeys play group" she'd love, but no. We walked in mid song and she clutched me and buried her little face into chest and WOULD NOT look up. I tried peeling her off of me to try and turn her around and she started to cry. I figured Id leave her glued to me for a couple more songs before being able to turn her around. But she would not sit besdie me she HAD to sit in my lap with her hands clutching my legs and her whole back in full contact with my body. But then they started blowing bubble and playing with toys. That worked well as she calmed down after that. And started walking around, but was using the other children as support so I had to tail gate so she wasn't pulling other kids down :)
Definitely going to have to go back to get her over this fear thing and socialize a bit.
On the other hand, kids are mean! Seriously! They steal each others toys and push eachother away. One boy tried pushing ellee away from HIS toy, and Ellee seemed to know issue trying to steal her fair share. Talk abotu sinful nature. Some things are neither taught nor learned....Still love em tho! :)

Now that the walking thing is covered we gotta get working on this potty thing. You can tell shes quite happy about this :)

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