Friday, August 17, 2012

A new fascination

Ellee has been having a rough time these days. She simply has crazy energy and the days all start the same. She rips through all her toys, pulls them off the shelves and then they become old. And she is completely uninterested in them. One fascination that has not disappeared is her obsession with electronics. The remote, the laptop, my phone. If she could touch the tv I cant imagine what kind of shape it'd be in!

Once the toys are old, which is very apparent when she starts tailgating me and trying to take away anything I have (flyers, grocery lists, phone, dishes, etc), I have resorted to playing videos of herself on the computer. Most of her as 6 months old when shes sitting up and babbling and such. I am not sure if shes obsessed with the baby in the video, she is a very vain child, haha, or with my voice coming out of the computer which seems like its talking to her.

This is her watching a video of herself. So cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee.

And this is the video she is obsessed with!!!!!!!!

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