Monday, April 21, 2014

Weekend Recap-Easter

It was a great weekend. Beautiful weather! 
We got to the park plenty and spent time out in the backyard too! 
I got some of those "trees" Ellee and I had been growing inside into the ground and hopefully they don't get devoured by the rabbits. Who am I kidding, the rabbits are probably going to eat them. Seriously, the rabbits here are crazy! They ate my rose bush. Thorns and all, and if they see a flower bud, they claim it. My tulips are just opening and earlier this week I could see the entire bud of one of them was gone. I dumped a tonne of cayenne pepper on them and around them and I think it's been keeping them away ever since. 
Saturday we had an awesome time, went downtown with a friend and hit up the Lincoln Park Zoo! On top of it being right in downtown, it's also FREE. Yea, free. I explained to Ellee we were going to see monkeys and every time we got close to an exhibit she would should loudly "monkeys! Monkeys!" I had numerous people laughing at us and of course some looking disgustingly at me as if to say How dare I not duck tape her mouth of course so that she doesn't shout near you and disrupt your quiet time staring at the apes. Oops, my bad. I'll try NOT to remember that for next time too. I don't take much time to figure out the type of people who are annoyed with her over excitement and if they asked, I'd explain to them that they should be jealous of her over enthusiasm for life :) Life is not dull with Ellee. 
Have you ever seen the movie Up? You know how when the old man, Carl, is young and he meets His future wife, and she never stops talking and is super excited about everything? Guess what her name is? I wonder who God has intended for my Ellee and I wonder if he'll be anything like Carl...
I came prepared for my wild child and had her in a 'harness', A.K.A. a leash. And no I am not ashamed of it. Totally used to be the pre mom who would say I'd never do that to my child, and I stand corrected and apologetic to any I criticized. The thing is Ellee is one to bolt, and she tried to numerous times, and she may be hard to find or get back. That risk isn't an option for me. So Ellee was able to walk and have some freedom while still being reined it. It also helps her learn and get in the habit of staying close.
Peyton enjoyed herself as well but she was more distracted by the people then by the animals. She looked cute as usual and very content with life. She's pretty easy going. 
Matt spent his spare time this weekend working on a lounge chair for our patio. He pretends that I found it on Pinterest, when really he should have no shame in his secret love for Pinterest!

The girls had an awesome time with their Easter baskets of goodies and hunting for eggs outside. Peyton was obsessed with the eggs and wasted no time in figuring out taking her sisters were easier then finding them herself! Ellee was thrilled and still has not stopped talking about eggs. 

Here's the girls dressed for church on Sunday. When at the gym on Friday the girls in the day are center asked me if I had their Easter dresses picked out. I'm sure they thought I was some weirdo. I couldn't explain myself on how I feel the majority of Easter dresses are just too froo froo for me. I like cute stuff just not super froo froo, as in fluffy, white, super girly, super poofy, it's hard to explain I guess. So here are the girls in a little less super eastery clothing, but still uber cute :)

And let's not forget the reason for this weekend. It's more then Easter. 
My sister in law had a great quote that I really appreciated. It wasn't a biblical verse but was just very well said,
"Why do bad things happen to good people? It only happened once and He volunteered."
Christ did something amazing many years ago, and the best part is he volunteered to do it for me.

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