Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Of course...why didn't I think of that?!

For the past couple of weeks I could not figure out how Ellee was getting to the top shelf of her bookshelf. I of course removed the bottom shelf so she couldn't stand on it to get some leverage up but still its baffled me. I moved a chair and several other things sure everything was out of reach. Yesterday I found her in her bed with a million head bands and barrettes along with, oh I don't know, say 1 KAZILLION TINY HAIR ELASTICS SCATTERED ALL OVER THE PLACE! gah! If you have little girls, you know what i ma talking about. The little elastics come in packages of like 500, and for some reason Ellee has always found joy in tossing them everywhere. But how did she get them was my question?! 

Today I figured it out. I heard some bumps and thumps coming from Ellee's room and I new she was not in bed for nap. I went up stairs to find her covered in strawberry lip gloss along with the rug, chair and bed spread. Seriously child?! The lip gloss was a present for her from Christmas and given her craziness I never gave it to her. Well she found it on the top shelf. How did she get it, I found out. She uses her garbage! Yea, crazy. She empties out its contents then flips it over and use it as a stool. Doh! Of course...why didn't I think of that?! Probably because my brain is on overdrive lately.

We spent the weekend at the farm in Wisconsin. I was able to enjoy some time out with my sisters, but by the time I got back I could tell the poor hubs was ready for a break. :) I empathize. 
Ellee spent most of the weekend taking advantage of the unguarded home (no gates here so I knew she would be taking advantage) and getting into everything she possibly could have. There was an incident with honey, and incident with toilet paper, and incident with makeup as well as a Vick's/lotion incident. The weekend was full of cleaning up, and shouting 'Where's Ellee?' followed by the scattering of adults to find the escape artist. The weekend was full of clean ups, scolding, shouting baths, and oh yea, some puking. She ended up throwing up at 5 am on Sunday morning. She was fine by 9 am though, and I think it was something she probably got into..who knows.  

Peyton was her usual happy go lucky self on the weekend. Content to play with toys open and close cupboard doors and bang lovingly at the kitties on the porch. She still seems to be more shy and wanting to be close to her mama nad papa so it was a great weekend for her to get used to some "new" people. 

We're all happy to be home, but that means I need to get back on track with my school work and continue the season long process of Spring cleaning. With 2 little ones running around its hard to keep on track so I figure if I go bit by bit I'll be done by summer :) 

Here is sweet little P enjoying some melon and sharing with Mama. 

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