Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekend Recap - Sunshine, smiles, and golf balls

It's been a gorgeous weekend. Of course today it is raining. We spent time with my 2 younger sisters and my soon to be brother in law, Uncle D. Probably one of Ellee's favorite people in the whole world. She thinks hes the best and will happily greet him above all other people in a room. Silly girl.

 Do we look related??
We milked the nice weather by hitting the park every day we possibly could.  
With My sisters in town of course we did some shopping. Sweet Pea joined us on this adventure but was not interested in taking pictures or being her usual happy self for this adventure. We left the wild one with the boys but apparently she decided to take a 4 hour nap (the result of spending some amazing hours outside. Summer truly does wear out the unwearout-able!) And then had her first opportunity to become the next Michelle Wi! 

Taking a swing. We'll have to work on her hands. He stance isn't terrrrrrrible. :) 

She came home declaring "You hit the balls. Watch out! Be careful! They hit you, you die. That be crazy!"
She is such a funny one. And so clever too. I am sure she loved it though. Ironically our first outing after she was born, was to the same driving range. Maybe we've en grained golf into her bones, I am sure its in her genes from the Kelly side of the family!! 

We also took the time to flag down the ice cream truck, ironically right after our Saturday AM workout. Go figure. Ellee loved it and is quickly learning 'munee', as she says, is important. And when wants something she doesn't hesitate to ask for some!! 

Shes still on a serious 'Frozen' addiction, and I am just not quite sick of songs yet. Here's her belting out some tunes while I cleaned the bathrooms. She decided to add some hand gestures and dance moves to spice it up a little! 

I finished off the weekend, as in last night at 10, by completing my history homework. making a large batch of banana cupcakes and a 4.5 gallon batch of homemade laundry detergent. Stay tuned for the recipe and review.

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