Thursday, June 5, 2014

What NOT to say to the prego

So I have been thinking about this for awhile, and so many friends are pregnant I have been thinking of all the ridiculous things people said to me through 2 pregnancies. Like bizarre. And so people, didn't need to say anything their reactions were enough.
Below you will find some of the numerous things people, some acquaintances  some strangers,  felt the liberty of saying to me.

"Just a couple days left!"
"Actually, I have 10 weeks left."
*jaw drops, then spins on heels and walks away rapidly*
When buying a pregnancy test
Cashier hands me receipt, "good luck with the test!!"
Me, "um, thanks." Spins on heels walks away rapidly :)
"Oh look you have a girl, now u have baby boy coming soon!"
"Actually it's a girl."
" Nope! It's a boy!"
*Proceeds to lift up my jacket checks out my waistline before declaring "yup, a boy!"
"Wow! You look like an overstuffed sausage!"
( obviously I had nothing to say to this, really people?)
"So are you like, pregnant again, or.....not?"
Me "yes, I am pregnant, not just fat"
(In these kind of scenarios I totally need to start taking advantage of the other person. Making them feel bad and think I am just fat would be quite fun. It's kind of like when you're pregnant and some one touches your belly and rubs it, just do it back and they probably never rub your prego belly again)
" Have you got a name picked out?"
" yea were going to name her Ellee and probably Scarlett for a middle name"
" that's, different...."

And really, it doesn't end there. This is what I could think of and I'll add if I remember any other absurd pregnancy encounters. Having kids, I still have bizarre encounters. But I have always been the type of girl attracting crazy people to have conversations with me and my kids...

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