Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pray More Worry Less

I saw this over the weekend and it really should be my motto for life. There's an amazing God  up there wanting to carry my burdens so I don't have to, I just need to truly give them over to Him.

It's been a week since I got home from my trip to Saskatchewan to visit my sister. One thing I have never been good at dealing with has been my absurd fear of flying. From my first flight, when I was 10 years old and it was surprise flight to Disney world, in which, I cowered in the back seat of the van bawling my eyes out and shrieking, only to be pry ed out of the van by my parents. Fast forward to a couple months ago when I booked my flight. I was anxious booking the flight. Fast forward to the actual flight, I was terrified and uneasy. And I got there fine and all was well. Of course my Hubby dropping me off, logically explains in his engineer way that it was more likely I die in the car on the way to the O'hare airport. And honestly, its not the fear of dying, I am definitely afraid of the heights, and the putting of full faith in the pilot to land and all, but a part of me is terrified the plane will start to go down and the idea of being trapped in close quarters with 50+ hysterical people before we crash, terrifies me. Its crazy how our minds drum up these ridiculous things. 
All in all my trip was terrific, I got to spend time with sweet Julia and my sister and brother-in-law, and my planes arrived and departed safely. 

Another incident, made me think of my need to pray more often. I pray daily, more then daily, but maybe I need to be praying more avidly about specific people and things. A friend passed away last weekend, and it was so unexpected, she fell and broke her neck. God took her home to Heaven. It made me be anxious about my kids, what if their lives ended so unexpectedly? But its truly out of my hands, and I prayed at that moment for the Lord to help me appreciate the moments I have right now with my kids, and to remember He has our little family in the palm of his hand. 

1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 

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