Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The MOST wonderful time of the year :)

So much has been going on lately. Thanksgiving, Christmas decor, chasing Ellee, labor pains. Yes, labor pains.

I really love Christmas. I love the cheerfulness and the skip in your heels just walking through any store and seeing the exciting decor. It really does make me want to go overkill on the decor but I have been taking my time with collecting my Christmas home accessories. Our first year married I found a Christmas tree at good will, for all of 20 bucks! Pre lit and all, but didnt work. Matt somehow did some electrical magicalness and was able to get it working. I think he only got shocked twice in the process :) From there I've tried to add to the colors and christmas spirit. But oh man. Today at Target there were soooo many cute things I wanted to purchase. Totally my style too! 
Here is a bit of Collage of some items I thought were cute. Go and check it out for yourselves though super cute stuff! And some of the cutest I couldn't find online to show you!

  My plan is to hit them up after Christmas :) 
Today while we were getting back in the car Ellee looks out the window and sees a man and shouts "Papa!! Papa, papa papa papa! "
Of course its not Matt. The funny thing, its a very big and tall black man.
 #1. Matt isn't very tall. #2. He's white. 
I still can't figure out what posessed her to think that he was papa. She doesn't look at every male on the street that passes and shout Papa. 
It sure was funny though!

On top of all this activity of Christmas-ness is the lingering induction. Thursday morning. Yikers!
But I pray ferverently that the baby will come before then. And am quickly wondering if God is answering my prayers. Yesterday morning contractions were full on every 7 minutes. More painful then usual, definitely not braxton. And then they slowed down. But still there all day and I am still having them today; but worse!This morning at 4:00 contractions woke me up. And they were like clockwork. 7 minutes. And I was breathing through them. At 5 I decided I should let my parents know so maybe they should leave home a bit early. They did. At 6:30 I fell asleep. Thankfully. At 7 I was awaken with super painful horrible contractions. 3 in a row too!! 5-7 minutes apart. I had to stifle a growl at Matt as he tried to ask me about something mid contraction. I was not the least bit interested in socializing. Then, the contractions slowed. And their severity also declined. Whats up with that!? So still contractions all day so far...
Maybe baby before Thursday morning induction? I hope so!

Ellee has been keeping me distracted at home so it hasn't been TOOOO difficult to ignore the contractions. 
She decided this morning she'd open her christmas presents early. And pull all the ornanments on the bottom half of the christmas tree off. 
Christmas with a toddler. 

 And here are some cute shots of Ellee with cousin Kyana at walmart for a little late afternoon Black Friday shopping :)

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