Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What happened to my eat anything baby?!?!?!

Ellee Scarlett has always been an amazing eater. It started at 6 months when we had to include solid foods into everyday and jsut gradually progressed from there. She was always in the 20% for weight and once she got her hands on our food, she spiked to being almost 90% for weight! (Currently she is 88% weight, 80 % head, and 40% height)

She loved avocados (including Matt's homemade guac), cheese, yogurt, peas, corn, carrots, you name it! I even fed her spinach and potatoes once (which I wont eat)
But just in the past month, shes changed. Today for lunch she had a couple grapes and would not even eat a cheese string. And she loves yogurt, but again will NOT let me feed her it.
At first it seemed to be an issue of control. She likes to do everything for herself. Including spoon feed. Not that she actually can. There have been days where she holds the spoon and I dip it in the yogurt or oatmeal and she brings it to her mouth. And repeat. Its a painstakingly slow process as she also seems to think it is necessary to lick the spoon clean before dipping it back into the bowl. Maybe shes a bit ocd..Nope definitely not, she creates more messes then organization :P 

Anyways, I have no idea what changed with her. And I am open to any suggestions to fix this. At this point I don't offer her anything beyond her meals, so yogurt has been going back in the fridge if she doesn't eat it and comes out at the next meal. I've also cut back on her milk, which seems to help a little. The child loves milk.

We'll have to see how things go down in the coming days....

In this pic she was just 7 months and loved eating avocados ALL the time!

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