Thursday, October 4, 2012

31 weeks!

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain: 15 lbs (went to the doctors yesterday)
Maternity clothes? yes. Its been difficult making the non maternity stuff work anymore too :(
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: great!
Best moment this week: Ellee being SOOOOOOOO close to walking herself. She takes random steps by herself will stand by herself, but just wont take the leap into just plain walking!
Miss Anything?  not being an emotional was an interesting week
 Movement: lots.
Food cravings:  mango pineapple smoothies from McD's(still)
 Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: pressure, braxton, unconscious waddling,
Belly Button in or out? out....
Wedding rings on or off?off, I get mild swelling in my hands during the day and dont want to be trying to tug my rings off.
Mood most of the time:  Happy!
Looking forward to: my parents coming tomorrow! and baby shower :)

See!? Shes right there. Totally could walk if she wanted to. But just like everything else in Ellee's world, It has to be on her time, and  her way.
Ie. Labour and delivery, Crawling, eating...etc. 

1 comment :

  1. Awe she is so so cute! Maybe she'll walk this weekend while Nana and Papa are there! Hope you feel great all weekend long and enjoy the shower. Love you lots!


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