When Ellee was born, I struggled the first couple months with all the new things, but then I fell into an easy pattern and I did well. I had time to get ready most days, and put on a real pair of pants, shirt or shorts. But when Peyton was born, it was winter so there wasn't much going out anyways, and there were two of them so it was difficult to find time to do anything but the 2 minutes of teeth brushing. Now with them being so active and it being winter again, let me be honest,I sleep in the yoga pants from the day before and rarely get out of them until afternoon nap the next day.
It makes me recognize moms in the grocery stores with their kids. It's easy to tell the moms apart.
A first time mom is a mom that I think any mom of more than one could recognize at the grocery store. She has a shopping cart cover with a child sitting happily in a perfectly cute outfit, maybe a bib on to stop any mild drools or spits. She has her hair and make up done and is dressed in a fitting outfit. She has a massive diaper bag filled with absolutely everything needed to tackle an apocalypse with a baby. She is smiling and enjoying her time waltzing around the store with toys to keep the sweet baby entertained. People notice her and the child and many will ask about the baby and she'll happy tell the age of baby and make him smile or coo for the interested party.
The mom of more then 1 has a kid plopped in the cart and one in the seat. The kids are in comfy clothes, sweat pants and regular tees. If the younger spits the shirt she is wearing will suffice as a bib. She has a purse with a bag of Cheerios , one diaper for each kid and a small pack of wipes. She has comfy pants and slip on shoes or boots on and hair up out of the way. Maybe even glasses on still. She is too busy focussing on her list and getting in and out of the store in the quickest amount of time without any meltdowns, she doesn't recognize people taking interest in her children.
Does anyone agree? Well if not i can say this is me.
This is the difference in my Walmart shopping trips from a year and a half ago to today.
Maybe it will change over the next year and half, but for now, I just need to try and do my hair everyday. It really does make me feel motivated for the rest of my day!
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