Thursday, January 17, 2013

I wouldnt have it any other way...

Oh wow. Today. What a very busy day. A bit sombre too.

The day started out early, Ellee was up at 730 (as in 630 ct time). I got her as she was chatting away and mom was already up. She took ellee and told me to go back to bed. Thanks mom :) I got up at 830 with Peyton. I even had a cup of coffee. Little did I know, that today, I would need that cup.

I met a very sweet, new friend in Sarnia for some lunch. It was so awesome to talk and get to know her a bit better! Then Peyton and I made our way back home. Yes, once again, my awesome mommy took my little stinker for me while I was out. Lunch would have been very fun with her, without her it was a little less chaotic :) 

Now that sombre part, our cat for the past 10 years had to be put down today. Just a pet yes, just an animal, but extremely sad nonetheless. He was such a sweet kitty. 

After that it was crazy energetic ellee time. I had her in the basement with me and she was terrorizing the place. Dumping buckets of toys LITERALLY upside down climbing up and over things, I really don't know how she does it. To be honest I think she actually feeds of her tired-ness. Its the only possible explanation for her go-go behavior!

Haha one shoe on, on shoe off...

And then tonight. Oh my goodness. Everything seemed to be winding down perfectly. Ellee in bed just before 8 Peyton fed. I decided I'd work on my dessert for tomorrow, as I want to make dinner for the family. Ellee never went to sleep. At 10 I finally gave in and went and got her. yes 2 hours later. I decided to get her since I thought Peyton was asleep in her cradle, down for the night. Nope. Now at 10 pm, when I should be winding down, I had 2 cranky awake kids and 35 truffles that needed to be dipped in chocolate. NIGHTMARE! Thank goodness I was not at home alone.
I plopped Ellee in her highchair and placed a bowl of yogurt and spoon in front of her. Disaster? Yes. Worth it? Yes. Because it takes all her focus and attention to using the spoon to conquer the yogurt :) I feed Peyton, yet again, while the spoon-yogurt- conquering is happening. The wrap her back up and rock her to sleep. Put her in the cradle and let my mom rock the cradle. Ellee is a disaster but this is fine as I plan to plop her in a lavender bubble bath. Bad idea. Every heard of a child afraid of bubbles. Now you have, let me introduce you to my eldest. She HATED the bubbles. She sat for a little in bewilderment then when she lifted her hands out of the tub and the bubbles covered her chubby fingers and palms she panicked. She stood up and started shaking her hands ferociously to get the bubbles off. She succeeded. I swirled the water in the tub and got the bubbles to die down and that helped immensely.
At approx 11 she was back in bed. Its 1140, and guess who is there shouting. Not yelling, screaming or crying. Shes shouting. As if preaching to her bear...oh dear. Tomorrow very well may be a long day.
Ive always had my kids sleep patterns under control. Ive never been in a situation like this with Ellee. She really has been a rockstar sleeper.

A friend told me not too long ago how waking up in the night and dealing with situations like these are really a blessing. I am truly thankful my kids aren't ill, and are healthy. I grow impatient and unnerved at the fact that I have to be up several times, but I would take lack of sleep anyday over then many pain and suffering associated with my child having an illness.
Thank you Lord.

Please keep Collin and Cheyenne in your prayers as well as their families. 

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