Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ellee and Belly

Here's a snap from 35 1/2 weeks. Its hard to believe at this point with ellee I was ALOT more swollen. And only 1.5 weeks from actually having her. So crazy. Definitely in the home stretch. Which is completely fine with me as I really would like to have this baby out :)And excuse the terrible-ness of the pictures. Ive been terribly sick the past several days and completely uninterested in putting any effort into appearance!

Ellee's new favourite thing to play with? My tea towels. I have them hanging off the oven door and she pulls all of them off then wraps them around her neck like a scarf or pulls them over her head like a hood. I have no idea why. Its not like she doesn't have other blanket options around. And since shes been a runny booger nosed little girl shes been wiping her nose on them too. EW. So I've had to start keeping them on the counter instead of doing loads of laundry of just tea towels.

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